Ahhhh, the excitement of a New Year! What is it exactly about the transition between one year to another that
It’s that time of year to make your New Year’s Resolutions. Ugh! The majority of people today do not even
Transformation Transformation is something that we hear about a lot online and in all forms of media. All over are
Have you gone through a major life change? I’m talking the big stuff -- like moving to a new state,
I am not the same woman I was 365 days ago, nor will I ever be that woman again... To
You didn’t gain it all in one day; you won’t lose it all in one day! This has been my
This recipe is one of those happy accidents that turned into something delicious. I knew I wanted to experiment with
As an individual that is recovering from lifelong depression and chronic pain, I use journaling to cope with things I
After putting decorations away, the nights start getting a tad bit chillier, time seems to start slowing down and hibernation
December Happiness series
When people ask you if you’re happy, how do you answer them? When I was a child, I would have