A Little Off the Top

When we first got together, it was a running joke between my husband and me that he could never quite let things go. No, I …

Finding Acceptance for the Past

The past is the past. The past is in the past. Yet, it lingers on, branded into the mind, twine embracing those invisible, intangible things …

What Makes You So Special, Huh?

“What makes you unique?” This has been the aggravating question that has plagued my life. “What sets you apart?” “Why are you different?” “What makes …

The Name and the Artist

Originally published on the beautiful Sky’s Art Bucket. In the past, I was timid, quiet, easily overspoken. I gave an air of maturity that I …

Why I Write

I set my fingers on the keyboard, the familiar keyboard with the little bumps on the F and J, my muscle memory automatically curling my …