INSPIRATION Thank You For The Enlightenment It was February 2012 I just fleetingly saw the image of a skinny guy with long hair in a ponytail Thank You For My Lifelong Friends Two and a half years ago, Mickey Mouse was my boss. Today is his 90th birthday. I talk about my Thank You For the Adventures We live in an ever-connected time, where cultures, ideas, businesses, and more are weaved throughout the world. To those of Thank You For Gratitude Teaching Me to Cope With Anxiety and Depression Gratitude is more than a mere “thanks” when someone does you a favor. It, in fact, has power. Daily life Thank You For Being My Sons Dear Sons, I remember the night before you were born like it was yesterday. I told your daddy that I In Honor of Veteran’s Day: My Father’s Escape From the Holocaust I observe in today’s world a growing reluctance to ask people about their family backgrounds and heritages. But I think November is for Gratitude – So, Thank You For…. ...being YOU!! Welcome to November! In August of 2018, Words Between Coasts was founded by us, Andrea and Lexi, two « Previous 1 … 7 8 9