Welcome to our monthly themes!


I was eleven years old when I met you. It was sixth grade, and I spent six weeks in your
#ThankYouFor I was asked by the amazing girls at Words Between Coasts to participate in their series for this month
Every day of my life since I was six years old, I have been thankful for my little sister, Susan.
I'm very new in the U.S. I came here last year from the Philippines to be with and marry the
You have probably heard the phrase, “It takes a village…” ...especially when referring to the influence of others in the
It was February 2012 I just fleetingly saw the image of a skinny guy with long hair in a ponytail
Two and a half years ago, Mickey Mouse was my boss. Today is his 90th birthday. I talk about my
We live in an ever-connected time, where cultures, ideas, businesses, and more are weaved throughout the world. To those of
Gratitude is more than a mere “thanks” when someone does you a favor. It, in fact, has power. Daily life
Dear Sons, I remember the night before you were born like it was yesterday. I told your daddy that I