
I was asked by the amazing girls at Words Between Coasts to participate in their series for this month #ThankYouFor.  Thank you so much, girls, for asking me to do this!

These ladies are such an absolute delight, with a wonderful passion for life and helping and supporting others.  If you are not following them or have never had the opportunity to interact with them, please check them out and start following and supporting them. You can find them on their blog here.

Stop, reflect and be grateful…

I love this time of year, especially because it is when we take the time to stop our busy lives to reflect on and celebrate what we have, and share our gratitude for the people around us.  We show more love to others. I wish this feeling was not just a couple times a year, but all year round. It truly is amazing to see the small acts of kindness that others do!

There are not enough words to express how thankful I am for my family, in particular my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter!  Every day, they show me endless love, support and generosity of spirit.  

Kids & the right partner really are a gift.

Being blessed with my daughter watching her grow into such an amazing young adult, has helped me in my life to slow down and really consider other people. Every day is an adventure because of all of the life lessons I get to teach her.

I could not have asked for a better husband and partner.  You always want someone that compliments you; someone that lets you be your own person. I am so grateful that every morning I get to wake up and start another fresh day on our exciting journey!  

If you would like to check out my love letter to them both, you can see it here.

Life Unexpected…

I am also grateful each and every day for the new journey I have taken that allows me to interact with the blogging community!  We all have expressed in different ways how much the community means to us. I have truly never met a more loving and supportive group of people, and I feel so blessed and honored to call you all my friends! I hope that you feel the same about me!

One of the other things I am thankful for is my faith.  The last two years have been filled with a lot of bumps in the road.  Without my family’s faith, we would not have been able to ride over those bumps with the knowledge that God is with us and will help us through.  

Final Thoughts

There really are so many things to be thankful for.  I hope you will all start making it a habit to slow your hectic lives down just a bit more often, and remember all the people and things that make your life worth living.  Not just in these last couple of months of the year, but every, single day of every, single week and every, single month.

Take time throughout the year to spread love and kindness to your loved ones, but also to strangers.  That small act will be so meaningful to them, and will be priceless to you and your soul!

I would love to hear what everyone else is thankful for.

Again, thank you so much to Lexi and Andrea for giving me this opportunity to share.

For more from Kari, check out her website here!

Instagram: @bloggervue

Twitter: @bloggervue

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