Dear Mr. Trump, You are a man who has made your living off of firing people. Your iconic catchphrase “you’re
Many of us have seen it: the unsuspecting message in our Instagram inbox or comment on one of our posts.
Adulting can feel impossible at times, especially when it comes to making and maintaining friendships. However, true friendship knows no
We live in a time where sexual intercourse has become not only meaningless but often an expectation. Guys assume that
“I’m an actor. I’m not going to need a day job for long.” That was about eight years ago. I
From the scene of the crime to the courtroom and all of the psychological analysis in between; there is something
Halloween has always been a pretty fun holiday at my house. From watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus,
One of the biggest misconceptions I encounter when it comes to people with disabilities is to do with dating. Mostly
As an actor, I wonder why I’m always worried about money. All of my actor friends have multiple day jobs.
Traveling has always been one of my most favorite things to do. I've traveled to many places. North Carolina, New